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Yurok Office of Emergency Services Update: July 14, 2020

Yurok Tribe Covid-19 Toll Free Hotline at: 1-888-225-8952.

Confirmed Cases on the Yurok Reservation

• Zero

Confirmed Cases in Humboldt County

• 167 Total Confirmed Cases

• 4 Confirmed Deaths

• 16 Hospitalizations

• 12,900 Tests

• 142 Recovered

Confirmed Cases in Del Norte County

• 61 Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

• 0 Active

• 2 Prior Hospitalizations

• 2 Deaths

• 3,032 Tests

Confirmed Cases in Trinity County

• 2 Confirmed Cases

• 2 Recovered

• 1061 Tests

*The total number of tests includes verified lab results and the approximate number of pending tests at the time of this update.

Confirmed Cases in Siskiyou County

• 43 Total Confirmed Cases

• 11 Active cases

• 32 Total recovered

• 4,077 Tests

Confirmed Cases in Shasta County

• 203 Total Confirmed Cases

• 28 Active Cases

• 4 Total Confirmed Cases Today

• 6 Deaths

• 3 Hospitalized

• 16,233Tests

Case numbers provided by Humboldt, Del Norte, Trinity, Siskiyou & Shasta County Joint Information Center’s

Confirmed Cases at K’ima:w Medical Center in Hoopa

• 1 confirmed case

• 1 recovered

K’ima:w Medical Center

Confirmed Cases at United Indian Health Service

• 20 confirmed cases (10 at PHV, 9 at CC, 1 at EKA)

• 302 Tests administered

• 254 Negative tests

• 16 Pending test results

California COVID-19 Update: On July 14, California reported 7,346 new cases of COVID-19. The state now has a total of 336,508 positive cases. There have been a total of 7,087 deaths in the state.

Should I wear a mask?

California’s public health officials released updated guidance on June 18 on the use of cloth face coverings by the general public worn outside the home. It mandates that face coverings be worn state-wide in the circumstances and with the exceptions outlined in the guidance. It does not substitute for existing guidance about social distancing and handwashing. The state also does not recommend Californians use N-95 or surgical masks, which are needed for our health care workers and first responders who will be there for when our lives at risk.

The use of cloth face coverings could reduce the transmission of COVID-19 by individuals who do not have symptoms and may reinforce physical distancing. Public health officials also caution that face coverings may increase risk if users reduce their use of strong defenses such as physical distancing and frequent hand washing.

Please see the updated guidance (PDF) for more information.

This guidance broadly requires the use of face coverings in California when in public or common spaces. Complete details, including all requirements and exceptions to these rules, can be found in the link above.

Guidance for specific industries, which is posted on, will be updated to reflect this revised policy on the use of face coverings.

United States Confirmed Cases: Per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as of June 23, 2020:

• Total confirmed cases 3,355,457 (+58,858 New Cases* compared to yesterday’s data)

• Total confirmed deaths 135,235 (+351 New Deaths* compared to yesterday’s data)

• The CDC also provides an overview here:

Global Confirmed Cases: As of July 14, 2020

• Total Confirmed Cases 13,200,550 +255,045

• Total Confirmed Deaths 575,178 +,734

• Total Recovered Cases 7,329,824 +328,149

Actions Taken by the State and Federal Government

What to do if you think you are sick: Call ahead: If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough or shortness of breath) and may have had contact with a person with COVID-19, or recently traveled to an area with apparent community spread, call your health care provider before seeking medical care so that appropriate precautions can be taken.

• Humboldt County Department of Public Health: (707) 268-2182 or (707) 445-6200

• Del Norte County Department of Public Health: (707) 464-0861 or (707) 464-3191

• Potawot Health Village: (707) 825-5000

• Crescent City Clinic: (707) 464-2750

• Smith River Clinic: (707) 487-0215

• Klamath Clinic: (707) 482-2181

• Eureka Clinic: (707) 442-0380

• Weitchpec Clinic: (530) 625-4300

Actions Taken by YT Government:

• The Yurok Reservation remains closed at this time.

• 6/22/20 The Yurok Tribal Council appointed Angie Brown as the COVID-19 Incident Command Team’s Public Health Officer

• Tribal Council recently issued an order requiring reservation residents to wear face coverings while in public.

• Yurok Tribal Council approved fees waived for June for Yurok Connect Internet

• June 2, Yurok Tribal contributes 2 million to The Alliance CDFI for small business covid relief fund.

• Yurok Tribal Council has approved a $1,250 Covid relief payment to all Yurok Tribal member 18 years or older by December 30, 2020.

• The Yurok Tribal Council declared a state of emergency due to the COVID19 pandemic through Resolution 20-28 on March 13, 2020.

• The Yurok Tribe issued a Stay at Home Order on March 19, 2020 that coincides with California Governor Newsom’s order also issued on March 19, 2020.

• Chairman Joseph L. James issued an emergency reservation closure order on April 4, 2020, this Resolution Number 20-43 was approved at a duly called meeting of the Yurok Tribal Council on April 6, 2020, at which a quorum was present and that this Resolution Number 20-43 was adopted by a vote of 8 for and 0 opposed and 0 abstentions in accordance with Article IV, Section 5(j) of the Constitution of the Yurok Tribe. This Resolution Number 20-43 has not been rescinded or amended in any way.

• Curfew hours during the closure 10 p.m.-4 a.m.

• Yurok Tribal Council and Yurok Office of Emergency Services has requested FEMA assistance.

• For more information call the Yurok Tribe Covid-19 Toll Free Hotline at: 1-888-225-8952.

COVID-19 IC Team Updates

Facilities report from Dean Baker: Week of June 29

Hand Sanitizers - Public Works has converted several soap dispensers into hand sanitizers and stationed them at various locations in the Klamath and Weitchpec main offices. They will be continuing to set these up until all tribal locations are covered. Also, signage has been posted to include the mandatory wearing of masks, sign in/sign out when entering or leaving, and to sanitize hands upon entry.

Air Filtration – I’m getting a fresh quote this afternoon from Frank’s Heating and Air for air scrubbers. These run just over $1000 apiece. We can schedule accordingly if this is the way we want to go. After speaking with Frank’s a couple of months ago, I asked what was the most effective method of dealing with COVID-19 regarding filtration, and air scrubbers were his recommendation. Paperwork on this has not been started. We can get this started asap, if it’s an allowable cost and you give us the go ahead.

Cleaning and Disinfecting - This coming weekend, we have North Coast Cleaning coming in to clean and disinfect the Worthington location. The Palm Cleaning Company will be doing all the fogging for the Crescent City, Klamath, and Weitchpec locations as soon as we get approved to schedule them. Chem-Dry will be cleaning all the carpets and floors in the Crescent City and Klamath areas after cleaning and disinfecting takes place. If we can’t find a vendor to come out to do the upriver locations, we’ll do those in-house.

Food Distribution:

• The Yurok Food Distribution application can be found here:…/documen…/fdp_%20application.pdf Applications can also be acquired over the phone by calling (707) 464-1852 or picked up in-person at 190 Nelson Lane in Crescent City.

• Open for regular pick up by appointment ONLY

• Tailgate deliveries will still occur as scheduled

• Taking new applications/clients. Call to make an appointment *Must call to make an appointment due to social distancing. *

Yurok Tribe Transit Services

Yurok Tribe Transit Service has changed how services are offered.

Dispatch (707)482-073

• Yurok Tribe Transit Service will continue to assist the community by providing medical transportation with the limit of one passenger at a time.

• We will be collaborating with the Yurok Social Services Department to assist outreach to the community as needed.

• Updates will be posted on the Yurok Tribe’s and YTTS Facebook pages or call dispatch (707)482-0731 for information on the current status of transit services.

Public Health Task Force:

• Angie reported that test result are delayed. We are not getting real time results. Up to 3 week wait times.

• Governor announced yesterday some things will shut back down.

• Meeting with HR and IC today regarding employees returning to work and continuing to work from home

• Employee safety protocols went out yesterday to everyone.

• Temperature stations should be up and running next week

• Meeting with both Humboldt and Del Norte Health Officers this week will be coordinating and collaborating.

• Requested to join in on a meeting with KTJUSD regarding involvement of Tribes and Health Officers from each Tribe about reopening of schools.

• Meet with Dean Baker and PLACO last week regarding facilities and upgrades needed.

• The Yurok Tribe Emergency Public Health Ordinance can be viewed at:

Operations Update:

• The operations section worked on the saints rest community garden area this is a task that we have been helping the CFMC food security division.

• Operations filled out a work request form to the Yurok Tribe watershed and roads department.

• Information boards got updated.

• 0800 briefing discussed the needs for PPE in the Tulley creek fire station, so we filled out an ICS 213 general message for supplies.

• Logistics received the operations request for PPE for Tulley creek, they have sent over supplies from Klamath to Tulley in a single SUV, we have taken inventory and stored the supplies in the fire station engine bay.

• 0800 operations has informed redwood hotel and casinos that the Van that has been used for elder food boxes we will no longer need this vehicle, put in a request to have it sent back to the hotel.

• The information board on High way 169 near the lower Kapel road has been stolen, this has been the third time since April that this has happen, put in a request to have a new one put up an set up in a new location. The work request has been complete on the saints rest garden area, work performed has been thorn brush removal around the garden area with Heavy equipment (backhoe).

• For more information call 1-888-225-8952

Logistics Section Update:

Daily 9am Meeting with Logistics.

• Daily directions on supplies/distributed 213 requests

• Worked on COVID-19 applications and distribution of COVID checks

• USPS/UPS/FEDEX receive and drop off daily.

Yurok Education Task Force Update:

• Education continues to develop its plan for the “re-opening” at a date approved by Tribal Council and Health Officer A. Brown. We will now be aiming to start on August 24 for Head Start and Child Care services and earlier in August for the Boys & Girls club. We are working to build confidence in our staff and families to return to the centers. We would like to give families and staff at least a 1-2 week notice of the date we plan to re-open for direct services.

• We are working with and receiving input from CDC expert (Erick Marble), IHS Health Officer (Aaron Alexander) and Public Health Nurse Angie Brown, on a safe re-opening. The Re-opening guidance will include regular extra-cleaning of all sites, cleaning of toys and all surfaces after use, much less people coming into the centers, masks worn by all (including the children), Other PPE for all staff, pre-entry temperature checks and a questioner for staff and the children before entering the centers, stay-away orders for anyone feeling ill, quarantine rooms for sick kids, as well as other safety measures.

• The Head Start staff, Yurok language staff and Boys and Girls Club staff are providing weekly learning packets for students to do at home, learning videos, and activities-resources for students to do at home. Lunches and snacks are also being provided to the homes for Head Start & Boys and Girls Club students. =Approximately 100 families served this week.

Recent & Pending Funding:

• Education is securing $70,000 from Del Norte County Mental Health for funding for the Boys and Girls Club to do prevention work with the students.

• Boys and Girls Club will be receiving $45,00 from the Safeway Corporation toward operations.

• Boys and Girls Club to receive $2,500 from the NFL toward Virtual training of staff.

• Yurok language is submitting a new ANA 3-year grant with James Gensaw as the Acting Lead.

• Head Start to receive $100,000 in CARES $ for extra cleaning of our facilities for re-opening.

• Our Boys and Girls Club to receive $20,000 for operations during the crises from the COKE Co.

• Received our regular NOF - Notice of funding agreement for Head Start $2.4 million dollars.

• We will be looking to apply for a new NYCP (Native Youth Community Partnership) U.S. Dept. of Education grant to support our students in the next month

• Yurok Education will include Trauma Informed practices through-out its programs and services to assist the community toward healing and recovery from past traumas and injustices.

• The Education Department has hired over 40 Summer Interns this Summer of 2020. These virtual Interns are exploring various Career Pathways, especially tribal careers and job opportunities. We have had Tribal Council members, Provolt and Vice Chari Meyers, and as well research on the value of Yurok language, Elders Susie Long, Walt Lara Sr., fiscal matters from Steve Edmundson, COVID-19 updates (from Kate Fisher and CDC expert Jenifer Burchfield) and others are presenting. We will be reaching out to many of you to present your work to the Interns also.

• We are preparing for Distance Learning in Fall again when schools return. Many School Districts are planning for a schedule that allows for Social-Distancing or having half the students attend school two-days per week and the other half the other two-days per week. We will be preparing to support students during this unusual time.

• The Education Department has compiled a list of remote learning resource that can be found here:


• 08:00 ICS – IMO 6.23 / 08:00 ICS - IMO 15:30 Call – Redwood National & State Park IC Liaison, Steven Troy 6.24 / 08:00 ICS - IMO 14:00 Alliance CDFI – Loan Committee Mtng. RE: Reviewing applications for CARES Act, COVID-19 Small Business Relief Fund 6.25 / 08:00 ICS - IMO 08:50 Call – Redwood National & State Park IC Liaison, Steven Troy 6.26 / 08:00 ICS - IMO Various Alliance CDFI RE: Drafting Letters for Grant Recipients, CARES Act

Legal Officer Update:

• Reviewed PHO letter to Del Norte Chamber of Commerce.

• Drafted f7 for PHO contract.

• Processed contract through contract review process.

• Drafted emergency action item for PHO contract.

• Drafted resolution for emergency ops center.

• Contract review for Emergency ops center.

• Call with planning about emergency ops center.

• Will be starting to draft MOU on data sharing.

Public Information Officer Update:

• The incident received favorable coverage in Native News Online. The reporter reached out the PIO and was connected to the IC.

• Drafted a press release on the groundbreaking ceremony for the Emergency Operations Center in Klamath.

• The PIO’s started work on a video featuring 30 of the Incident Command Team’s and the Tribal Council’s major milestones, ranging from the emergency declaration to the CARES Checks and food deliveries to the hiring of the Public Health Officer. We have some really nice artwork and illustrations to accompany this video. This is a large project and will be completed by the end of next week.

• Continue to complete the situation report

• Continue to post relevant information to the Tribe’s primary social media pages, website and The Tribe-specific graphics receive much positive attention and new ones are posted multiple times per week.

Local County Updates:

• Humboldt County: July 14, 2020 - State Places Additional Restrictions on Certain Sectors; Takes Effect Locally Friday; The state is requiring all bars that do not have a permit to serve food to close, and these businesses should cease operations no later than Friday. Businesses in the following affected sectors should offer only outdoor services with safety precautions in place:

• Restaurants

• Wineries and Tasting Rooms

• Movie Theaters

• Family Entertainment Centers

• Zoos and Museums

• Cardrooms

• July 13, 2020 - County Officials Awaiting More Information After Restrictions Announced by State see full press release from Humboldt County here:

• 7/14/20- Warren Rehwaldt, M.D., Public Health Officer, releases letter addressing recent state guidelines.

• Humboldt County: July 14, 2020 - Encroachment Permits Allow Businesses to Operate Outdoors

The leadership, and many dedicated staff are tireless in their efforts to mitigate a very difficult situation. The Yurok Tribe is working to stay ahead of the curve. The Yurok Office of Emergence Services is providing regular updates to the upriver and downriver communities via the Tribe’s social media pages, local sandwich board notification stations and at

For more information regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic please visit:

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