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Yurok Office of Emergency Services Update: August 3, 2020

Yurok Tribe Covid-19 Toll Free Hotline at: 1-888-225-8952.

Confirmed Cases on the Yurok Reservation

• Zero

Confirmed Cases on the Hoopa Reservation

• 7 Total confirmed cases (6 confirmed cases)

• 6 Active Cases

• 1 Recovered

*Case numbers provided by K’ima:w Medical Center

Confirmed Cases in Humboldt County (Overall Alert Level 3)

• 236 Total Confirmed Cases (3 cases since Friday)

• 4 Confirmed Deaths

• 18 Hospitalizations

• 15,698 Tests

• 189 Recovered

Confirmed Cases in Del Norte County

• 89 Confirmed Cases

• 1 Active case

• 2 Prior Hospitalizations

• 4,719 Tests Administered

Items of Significance: Results from 1st round of inmate mass testing and 2nd round of staff mass testing at PBSP starting to trickle in – no positives yet (27 staff positives 1st round); public health is reaching out to local partners to understand long term testing needs in group settings including schools, agencies, and others; a new regional testing task force includes tribal input and participation.

*Information provided by Del Norte County OES SitRep.

Confirmed Cases in Trinity County

• 5 Confirmed Cases

• 4 Recovered

• 1,329 Total Tests

*The total number of tests includes verified lab results and the approximate number of pending tests at the time of this update.

Confirmed Cases in Siskiyou County

• 81 Total Confirmed Cases

• 8 Active cases

• 73 Total recovered

• 4,784 Tests

• 256 Pending Test results

Confirmed Cases in Shasta County

• 390 Total Confirmed Cases

• 58 Active Cases

• 12 Total Confirmed Cases Today

• 9 Deaths

• 9 Hospitalized

• 23,032 Tests

Case numbers provided by Humboldt, Del Norte, Trinity, Siskiyou & Shasta County Joint Information Center’s

Confirmed Cases at United Indian Health Service

• 24 confirmed cases (13 at PHV, 10 at CC, 1 at EKA)

• 375 Tests administered

• 307 Individuals

• 319 Negative tests

• 14 Pending test results

California COVID-19 Update: On August 3, California reported 5,739 new cases of COVID-19. The state now has a total of 514,901 positive cases. There have been a total of 9,388 deaths in the state./Information acquired at

United States Confirmed Cases: Per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as of August 3, 2020:

• Total confirmed cases 4,795,493 (+46,335 New Cases* compared to yesterday’s data)

• Total confirmed deaths 157,729 (+550 New Deaths* compared to yesterday’s data)

• The CDC also provides an overview here:

Global Confirmed Cases: As of August 3, 2020

• Total Confirmed Cases 18,196,221 +231,093

• Total Confirmed Deaths 691,738 +4,671

• Total Recovered Cases 10,852,611 +218,218

What to do if you think you are sick: Call ahead: If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough or shortness of breath) and may have had contact with a person with COVID-19, or recently traveled to an area with apparent community spread, call your health care provider before seeking medical care so that appropriate precautions can be taken.

• Humboldt County Department of Public Health: (707) 268-2182 or (707) 445-6200

• Del Norte County Department of Public Health: (707) 464-0861 or (707) 464-3191

• Potawot Health Village: (707) 825-5000

• Crescent City Clinic: (707) 464-2750

• Smith River Clinic: (707) 487-0215

• Klamath Clinic: (707) 482-2181

• Eureka Clinic: (707) 442-0380

• Weitchpec Clinic: (530) 625-4300

Actions Taken by YT Government:

• The Yurok Reservation remains closed at this time.

• 6/22/20 The Yurok Tribal Council appointed Angie Brown as the COVID-19 Incident Command Team’s Public Health Officer

• Tribal Council recently issued an order requiring reservation residents to wear face coverings while in public.

• Yurok Tribal Council approved fees waived for June for Yurok Connect Internet

• June 2, Yurok Tribal contributes 2 million to The Alliance CDFI for small business covid relief fund.

• Yurok Tribal Council has approved a $1,250 Covid relief payment to all Yurok Tribal member 18 years or older by December 30, 2020.

• The Yurok Tribal Council declared a state of emergency due to the COVID19 pandemic through Resolution 20-28 on March 13, 2020.

• The Yurok Tribe issued a Stay at Home Order on March 19, 2020 that coincides with California Governor Newsom’s order also issued on March 19, 2020.

• Chairman Joseph L. James issued an emergency reservation closure order on April 4, 2020, this Resolution Number 20-43 was approved at a duly called meeting of the Yurok Tribal Council on April 6, 2020, at which a quorum was present and that this Resolution Number 20-43 was adopted by a vote of 8 for and 0 opposed and 0 abstentions in accordance with Article IV, Section 5(j) of the Constitution of the Yurok Tribe. This Resolution Number 20-43 has not been rescinded or amended in any way.

• Curfew hours during the closure 10 p.m.-4 a.m.

• Yurok Tribal Council and Yurok Office of Emergency Services has requested FEMA assistance.

• For more information call the Yurok Tribe Covid-19 Toll Free Hotline at: 1-888-225-8952.

COVID-19 IC Team Updates

Public Health Task Force:

• PH Reported out to Council in separate report. (PIO will receive PH info on next ICS call)

• The Yurok Tribe Emergency Public Health Ordinance can be viewed at:

Yurok Tribal Police- Lieutenant Jacob Morris:

Other than a couple meetings, we have no COVID activities to report, and no COVID expenses to report.

Operations Update:

• Maintaining signage boards.

• Preparing for fire season

• Keeping a static inventory of PPE and issuing as needed to programs and personnel.

• For more information call 1-888-225-8952

Logistics Section Update: Krystel Patapoff

• Received 7 Pallets from Cal OES on Tuesday: 120,000 Surgical Masks, 4,000 Cloth Masks, 4,100 bottles of Gel Sanitizer

• Placed another order with Cal OES on Tuesday Evening

• Placing FEMA order

• Received 10 foggers and Solution

• Still processing Covid Assistance Applications for Tribal Members

• Disbursed PPE supplies

• Made orders for PPE supplies

Education Task Force Update: Jim McQuillen

• The Education Department has compiled a list of remote learning resource that can be found here:

IT Department Update: Jessica Engle

• Met with Standing Rock Telecom RE: becoming a cellular provider

• Interviews scheduled with KMUD, Jefferson Public Radio, and Redwood News RE: Broadband improvements

• Wautec Tower ordered

• Klamath Glen Tower site plans completed

• Mailed out Yurok Connect letter (attached in case you’d like to post it)

• Rolling out Multifactor Authentication to all

• Working out Kinks of InTune to remote deploy devices (no touch setup)

• Submitting App for FCC 2.5Ghz EBS today!!!!

• Spec’d Internet Service Provider for Stone Lagoon- Not having luck finding a way to get signal there yet. Frontier has a ticket open to do a site evaluation.

• Daniel Ryles started Monday in WTO as a Broadband Technician.

• Offer has been made for new IT Tech


• Manuel Sanchez took over for Don Barnes as Liaison. There’s not much activity this week, should see activity pick up if the Congress passes Cares Act 2, and the additional funding the tribe can secure for our region.

Deputy IC Update:

• Worked closely with PIO staff to develop sit stat reports by providing information and guidance. This week our Operations Section Chief Andy Lamebear was on Bereavement leave, so I assumed those responsibilities in his absence. Attended the 0800 Team briefings Public Health Officer and IC to review phases for re-opening and identification of what we need in place to move into lifting the closure order. Met with Hoopa and Incident Management Team 11, on the Milepost Fire to obtain situational awareness. Attended a Tulley Creek EOC and Police Station meeting with Planning Dept. Sharing of daily updates to our Planning Chief from cooperators for disbursal. Met with Logistics to get an update of supplies and ordering. Sent out numerous emails to different team members by sharing updates from CalOES and our county partners. Worked on updates to Chairman and Council. Completed the PSPS training and update for PGE

Planning Section Update: Amanda Ammon

• Attended PH Contact Tracing Meeting, Monday 7/27

• Facilitated two 0800 ICS IMO Briefings, Tuesday 7/28 and Thursday 7/30

• Attended one 1000 ICS Internal Meeting on Tuesday 7/28

• Attended Yurok Tribe All employee meeting held by Executive office on Wednesday 7/29

• Continue to maintain filing and compressing 214s and weekly reports as they come in

• Updated completed files on the COVID-19 ICS shared folder on YTmain

• Uploaded completed 214 to Dropbox for finance’s review for payroll and FEMA application

• Maintained distribution of email correspondences between IC, PHO, IMT and Executive Office as needed

Legal Officer Update:

• Drafted resolution re: closure

• Revised resolution regarding purchase of isolation units -participated in IC planning session and Tuesday/Thursday calls -participated in YOES update to Council

Public Information Officer Update:

• The PIO published positive content on average of twice a day, every day to the Tribe’s social media

• PIO continues to produce YOES updates.

• Also, we continue to share UIHS services on our social media platforms.

• Making culturally appropriate graphics to inform Tribal citizens about the threat posed by the coronavirus.

• PIO completed video highlighting essential employees.

Facilities Manager Update: Dean Baker

Until further notice, Facilities Access Requests will only be approved for durations of one week or less. If you have submitted requests for longer than one week, they will be denied, but please resubmit a request for a one week duration, and I will approve them. This allows us to maintain accurate social distancing and ensure we don’t allow more people in a building at any given time than is safe. We also don’t want to overlap schedules where someone who is expecting to work is turned away because of a “double-booking” type situation. As importantly, designated staff screeners for each site need to know who is approved to enter a tribal facility so we don’t unnecessarily increase their risk of any exposure. Safety, security, access control, and contact tracing are all part of the ongoing dialogue to develop and refine this new process and protocol.

Next, although the approval/denial process is not complicated, it is quite time consuming due to the volume of requests. As a result, requests may not be approved the same day they are received. Please follow the guidelines below;

• If you are requesting single day access, please allow at least 24 hours for approval. This means submitting your request two days before you need to enter a tribal facility so your request can be processed and appropriate notifications are sent out.

• If you are requesting one-week durations, please submit requests each Wednesday for the following week so your request can be processed and appropriate notifications are sent out.

I can’t guarantee a request will be approved the same day it’s received, so please plan accordingly. That being stated, if you need emergency access/approval, email me directly before submitting your request, and I’ll try and accommodate when possible.

The leadership, and many dedicated staff are tireless in their efforts to mitigate a very difficult situation. The Yurok Tribe is working to stay ahead of the curve. The Yurok Office of Emergence Services is providing regular updates to the upriver and downriver communities via the Tribe’s social media pages, local sandwich board notification stations and at

For more information regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic please visit:

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