Yurok Office of Emergency Services Update: April 16, 2020
Yurok Office of Emergency Services Update: April 16, 2020 Yurok Tribe Covid-19 Toll Free Hotline at: 1-888-225-8952.
Confirmed Cases on the Yurok Reservation
Current Cases in Humboldt County
52 total confirmed cases
Current Cases in Del Norte County
2 total confirmed cases
2 recovered cases
Zero active cases
Case numbers provided by Humboldt & Del Norte County Joint Information Center’s
Current Cases in Trinity County
Case numbers provided by Trinity County Public Health Department
Current Cases at K’ima:w Medical Center in Hoopa
1 confirmed case Case numbers provided Hoopa Office of Emergency Services
Current Cases at United Indian Health Service
1 confirmed case
Case numbers provided by http://unitedindianhealthservices.org/
California Department of Public Health
As of April 15, 2020, there are a total of 26,182 positive cases and 890 deaths in California.
As of April 14, 2020, there are a total of 24,424 positive cases and 821 deaths in California.
As of April 13, 2020, there are a total of 23,338 positive cases and 758 deaths in California.
For the number of cases, hospitalizations, and county breakdown, please visit https://data.chhs.ca.gov/dataset/california-covid-19-hospital-data-and-case-statistics
United States At A Glance:
Total cases: 632,548 (632,220 confirmed; 348 probable)
Total deaths: 31,071 (26,930 confirmed; 4,141 probable)
Jurisdictions reporting cases: 55 (50 states, District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands)
Global COVID-19 Cases: Confirmed: 2,158,033 +97,106 Deaths: 144,221 +9,867 Recovered: 543,732 +32,376
What to do if you think you are sick: Call ahead: If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough or shortness of breath) and may have had contact with a person with COVID-19, or recently traveled to an area with apparent community spread, call your health care provider before seeking medical care so that appropriate precautions can be taken.
Humboldt County Department of Public Health: (707) 268-2182 or (707) 445-6200
Del Norte County Department of Public Health: (707) 464-0861 or (707) 464-3191
Potawot Health Village: (707) 825-5000
Crescent City Clinic: (707) 464-2750
Smith River Clinic: (707) 487-0215
Klamath Clinic: (707) 482-2181
Eureka Clinic: (707) 442-0380
Weitchpec Clinic: (530) 625-4300
COVID-19 Response Team Updates:
The Yurok Tribal Council declared a state of emergency due to the COVID19 pandemic through Resolution 20-28 on March 13, 2020.
The Yurok Tribe issued a Stay at Home Order on March 19, 2020 that coincides with California Governor Newsom’s order also issued on March 19, 2020.
Chairman Joseph L. James issued an emergency reservation closure order on April 4, 2020, this Resolution Number 20-43 was approved at a duly called meeting of the Yurok Tribal Council on April 6, 2020, at which a quorum was present and that this Resolution Number 20-43 was adopted by a vote of 8 for and 0 opposed and 0 abstentions in accordance with Article IV, Section 5(j) of the Constitution of the Yurok Tribe. This Resolution Number 20-43 has not been rescinded or amended in any way.
Curfew hours during the closure 10 p.m.-4 a.m.
Yurok Tribal Council and Yurok Office of Emergency Services has requested FEMA assistance.
For more information call the Yurok Tribe Covid-19 Toll Free Hotline at: 1-888-225-8952.
YHHS Update/Public Health
At the request of the Yurok Tribe, Dr. Thompson from United Indian Health Services (UIHS) has been assigned to the Public Health Task Force. This will ensure that both Yurok and UIHS response and action are uniform moving forward.
Due to the State of Emergency- COVID-19 YHHS programs and services will be provided on a limited basis. The goal is to provide essential program services to the community while maintaining safety. All offices are closed to the public.
Staff are available to take applications by phone Monday, Wednesday, & Friday from 10:00-3:00. Applications and services for:
• LIHEAP • General Assistance, • Burial Assistance • Tribal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
Food Distribution
Today, the Yurok Tribe distributed more than 70 family food boxes in front of Redwood Hotel Casino. Tribal and RHC staff organized a drive-through service to safely dispense the food to local community members.
Today at Pek-Tah Fuel Mart in Weitchpec, the Yurok Tribe distributed 65 boxes.
The food distributions in Klamath and Weitchpec are part of the Yurok Tribe’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Yurok Health and Human Services Food Distribution Program is offering a 30-day supply of groceries to income eligible Humboldt and Del Norte County residents. To be eligible, you must be an enrolled member of any federally recognized Tribe and have been laid off or have had work hours reduced due to the public health emergency. Non-Tribal citizens living on the Yurok Reservation are also eligible, so long as they meet the above-listed employment-related criteria. Services for existing Food Distribution Program participants will not be altered and will continue throughout the crisis. The Yurok Food Distribution application can be found here: https://www.yuroktribe.org/…/documen…/fdp_%20application.pdf Applications can also be acquired over the phone by calling (707) 464-1852 or picked up in-person at 190 Nelson Lane in Crescent City.
Next week, YHHS’s Food Distribution Program will begin delivering disaster food boxes to Tribal citizens in Humboldt and Del Norte Counties. All Tribal citizens are eligible for this service. Elders and other vulnerable residents will be served first and the boxes will go out on a weekly basis. Please note that signing up for the 30-day supply of food from the Food Distribution Program is recommended for families and those with dependents. To sign up for a disaster food box, please call 1-888-225-8952.
Open for regular pick up by appointment ONLY
Tailgate deliveries will still occur as scheduled
Taking new applications/clients. Call to make an appointment *Must call to make an appointment due to social distancing. *
Monthly Assistance- Current Families will continue to receive cash assistance – Checks will be mailed out by the 1st of each month. Monthly Eligibility Reports (MERs) will be attached to checks. Work participation hours will be waived.
Supportive Services- Requests will continue to be accepted via phone.
New Applications & Recertifications- will be scheduled an intake appointment over the phone. Expedited approval/presumptive eligibility for qualified families.
Employment Training, Wellness, Language/Cultural Activities- all in person activities are temporarily suspended. Program staff are developing at home activities that can be done through web based, live sessions, and packets.
Indian Child Welfare Services
Social workers will participate in essential services such as family team meetings, court, and one on one case management by phone.
Social Workers will be calling clients with open cases and investigations to check in. Social Workers will also be calling to check in the county Child Welfare Services.
Youth Wellness Program
Case management activities with active youth will be provided by phone for check in.
All in person activities are postponed
The Youth Employment Services (YES) application process is temporarily postponed.
Staff are working to develop at home activities including online, web based check ins, and planning for future activities.
All Tribal offices are closed to the public. Staff are available to take applications by phone Monday, Wednesday, & Friday from 10:00-3:00. Please call the Yurok Tribe Covid-19 Toll Free Hotline at: 1-888-225-8952.
Elders Information:
Today, the Yurok Tribe started delivering 132 boxes of food and other essential items to Tribal elders, beginning with those who are sheltering-in-place on the Yurok Reservation as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic.
YHHS is working with other departments to check in on Yurok elders and coordinate critical responses to resources.
An Elder Task Force has been established to continue checking up on our most vulnerable populations during this time. You may contact us through the toll free hotline 1-888-225-8952. or you may email us at YurokElders@yuroktribe.nsn.us
YHHS started Elder outreach coordination on March 17, Elders lists from enrollment were split up between 3 areas; North, South, and East. Volunteers were given elder lists and started contacting Elders as of March 18. The first phase is phone contact (home contact for Pecwan area with no phone access) which is still happening now, gathering needs on an assessment form. The second phase is home visits and deliveries of information and if possible, care packages. Each site lead is compiling the assessments from the volunteers.
For more information call 1-888-225-8952.
What we can offer to the elders:
PPE & thermometers (If in stock & can be ordered)
Utilities (heating)- Wood, propane, electricity, emergency communication (Can’t guarantee) working with LIHEAP, Forestry, and Elder Advocate Program
Essential Needs (Basic Food & Basic Toiletries) all the same supplies will be ordered.
Personal Needs-We can help facilitate-working with UIHS (medi-cal) for long term. Also, not guaranteed, but we can try to help.
Medical- Prescriptions, transportation to essential appointments- we can help facilitate-working with CHRs, UIHS, Yurok Transit.
To ensure that you receive updates from the Tribe, please update your contact information with Enrollment calling the hotline or email: krystel@yuroktribe.nsn.us
Yurok Tribe Transit Services Yurok Tribe Transit Service has changed how services are offered. Dispatch (707)482-073
Yurok Tribe Transit Service will continue to assist the community by providing medical transportation with the limit of one passenger at a time.
We will be collaborating with the Yurok Social Services Department to assist outreach to the community as needed.
Updates will be posted on the Yurok Tribe’s and YTTS Facebook pages or call dispatch (707)482-0731 for information on the current status of transit services.
Yurok Indian Housing Authority (YIHA)
As of March 13, the lobby has been closed to the public and all inquiries need to be made as a call-in or email.
Program emails should be directed to Rachel Dowd at rdowd@yurokhousing.com.
The Program Operations and Maintenance staff are closed until Monday, April 20.
If there is an elder emergency or tenant emergency, tribal members can call Kinney Childs III at (707)954-6858.
Regular business: applications are available on the YIHA website at www.yurokhousing.com and will be processed when staff return to the office.
Starting April 10, and continuing next week, YIHA is delivering an elder’s shelter-in-place box that includes Kleenex, Tylenol, Cleaning Supplies, Blanket, Crossword book, cough drops, and tea. This will go out to the 51 Elders currently served by the Yurok Indian Housing Authority.
10 new homes being constructed in Tulley Creek are continuing construction as an essential service to build new homes for the community.
There are also two additional individual homes for tribal elders that will be constructed this construction year.
The Board of Commissioners waived all rent and homeowner payments for the month of April.
New Tribal Council Liaison, Council Member Ryan Ray, Requa District will be joining the Yurok Indian Housing Authority meetings. The April meeting was cancelled but YIHA will be working to have a May meeting on the second Tuesday of the May as a call-in “GO-TO” meeting.
Operations Update
45 Elder food box deliveries today (this week)
32 total elder firewood deliveries. (since March 23)
For more information call 1-888-225-8952
Yurok Education Department
Established an Education Task Force
Yurok Education is providing resources for students to do at a distance including learning videos for Facebook, YouTube and other virtual platforms.
Take home learning packets for Head Start students.
Education is also offering tutoring support in Google virtual rooms, Yurok language lessons, and other avenues.
The Education Department has compiled a list of remote learning resource that can be found here: https://www.yurokoes.org/resources
Planning Section Update:
Facilitated Daily 0800 Briefing Meeting.
Customized & Distributed ICS-214 to all ICS positions. Revised/Updated/Develop Yurok ICS Org Charts (ICS, Public Health, Elder Check-in Vols).
Request Org Chart info from: Public Health/Medical & Food Distribution. Receive & Compile materials for Incident Action Plan (IAP). Developing COVID-19 Database to house Yurok COVID docs/activity.
Requested completed ICS-214 forms from ICS team to be filled out daily and turned in weekly.
Information & Intelligence
Yurok Connect is waiving all fees for internet services to current customers for the month of April. In addition, there will be no shut offs for nonpayment during the current public health crisis. Email Yurokconnect@yuroktribe.nsn.us for any questions or problems with your Yurok Connect service.
Yurok Tribal Court Programs and services are still operational during this time. The Yurok Justice Center and all offices are currently physically closed to the public. You may contact the Clerk’s Office e-mail at CourtClerk@yuroktribe.nsn.us or call (707) 482-1350 ext. 1406.
Community Updates
The Yurok Tribe has employees currently working in Trinity County
Trinity County – As of today, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Trinity County. Trinity County Health and Human Services (HHS) Public Health Branch (PHB), and the Office of Emergency Services (OES) continue to work together in coordinated response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Governor’s Order and Trinity County Health Officer Order can be viewed in full at www.trinitycounty.org
The link below will provide you with a PSA released today from Trinity County Public Health.
You can track local statistics and information at www.trinitycounty.org
Contact Trinity County Public Health Branch at (530) 623 – 8235 with questions or concerns.
Del Norte Public Health Officer: Letter to residents of Del Norte County: https://docs.google.com/a/co.del-norte.ca.us/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=Y28uZGVsLW5vcnRlLmNhLnVzfGRuY298Z3g6MTMyMWUyZmIxN2UwNmI5Mg
Del Norte County has set up a COVID-19 information line to answer our community's questions about the coronavirus that is causing COVID-19. COVID-19 Information Line: 707-464-091.
Pem-Mey Fuel Mart in Klamath is open 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Full service fuel, groceries and convenient store items: Available by placing a phone order, or ordering items at the store window. To place a phone order at Pem-Mey, please call: (707)482-3510.
Pek-Tah Fuel Mart in Weitchpec is open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Full service fuel, groceries and convenient store items: Available by placing a phone order, or ordering items at the store window. To place an order at Pek-Tah, please call: (530) 625-4173.
Fuel is available after hours by paying with a credit card at the pump
The leadership, and many dedicated staff are tireless in their efforts to mitigate a very difficult situation. The Yurok Tribe is working to stay ahead of the curve. The Yurok Office of Emergence Services is providing regular updates to the upriver and downriver communities via the Tribe’s social media pages, local sandwich board notification stations and at yurokoes.org.
For more information regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic please visit:
http://unitedindianhealthservices.org/ www.yurokoes.org https://humboldtgov.org/2018/Humboldt-Health-Alert http://www.co.del-norte.ca.us/departments/health-human-services/public-health https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html http://www.oesnews.com/