Yurok OES Update and Program Operation Hours
Yurok Office of Emergency Services COVID-19 update program hours. 3/24/2020
This is a Yurok Office of Emergency Services (YOES) update on some of the Tribe's essential services.
Yurok Health and Human Services (YHHS) will continue to provide services on a limited basis. We are striving to provide essential services to the community while maintaining safety of our community and staff. While tribal offices are closed to the public, staff are available to take your applications by phone Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:00AM to 3:00PM.
Please Call:
Klamath: 707.482.1350, Ext. 1415
Yulley Creek: 530.625.4130, Ext. 1417
South Site: 707.445.2422, Ext. 1902
Yurok Tribe Transit Services (YTTS) Due to the risks posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Yurok Tribe Transit Services is changing how services are offered. YTTS will continue to assist the community by providing medical transportation with the limit of one passenger at a time. We will be collaborating with the Yurok Social Services Department to assist outreach to the community as needed. Call YTTS dispatch at 707.482.0731, for current information on the status of the services.
The Yurok Tribal Court, its programs and services are operational during this time. While the Yurok Justice Center and all offices are closed to the public, you may contact the Clerks Office by email at CourtClerk@yuroktribe.nsn.us or call 707.482.1350, Ext 1406. A secure drop box will be placed in the front of the Justice Center for court filings.
Yurok Connect will be waiving all fees for the internet services to current customers for the month of April. In addition, there will be no shut offs for nonpayment during the current public health crisis. Email Yurokconnect@yuroktribe.nsn.us for any questions or problems with your Yurok Connect service.
The leadership, and many dedicated staff are tieless in their efforts yo mitigate a very difficult situation. The Yurok Tribe, in partnership with state and local government, asks your help so that together we can lessen the impacts and save lives.
YOES will be updating public messaging in the upriver and downriver communities, on the Tribe's Facebook Page and with local sandwich board notification stations.
At this time we are respectfully asking everyone who does not live on the Reservation to please refrain from visiting us. The Yurok people rightly pride themselves on their hospitality but during the COVID-19 outbreak we are asking visitors to help us protect our communities, our employees, and yourselves by complying with the Governor of California's stay at home orders. This will keep you and our communities safe.
The Yurok Tribe is asking our community members to stay local and limit essential shopping trips to no more than once a week. We hope people will continue their cultural practices and to enjoy the outdoors while practicing social distancing.
Humboldt County health officials conformed today a fifth resident has tested positive for COVID-19. This case reaffirms the importance of the shelter in place order issued last week. Humboldt County confirmed two previous cases of the virus, one on February 20th and the second on March 20th and the third and fourth cases were confirmed today. Del Norte County has no confirmed cases at this time.
The Yurok Tribe is committed to stopping the spread of COVID-19, and will increase enforcement and restrictions on Tribal Lands as needed, based on public health guidance. F
For more information on the COVID-19 Pandemic please visit: